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Connect to Microsoft VPN Server from Linux

Connect to a Microsoft VPN from a Linux client.

  1. $ apt-get install network-manager-pptp
  2. $ sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart
  3. Click the NetworkManager Applet
  4. VPN Connection -> Configure VPN -> <VPN> -> Add
  5. Choose <Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)> -> Create
  6. Fill out those neccessary informations and click Advanced
  7. In Authentication section, CANCEL <PAP>, <CHAP>, and <EAP>, KEEP ONLY <MSCHAP> and <MSCHAPv2> SELECTED.
  8. In Security and Compression section, SELECT <Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)>, and choose Security to be <All Available (Default)>
  9. OK -> Accept -> Close
  10. Now click the NetworkManager Applet
  11. Click VPN Connection and click the profile you just created.
  12. Wait for few seconds till it get connected.
  13. Done.


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