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Instal VPN to windows server 2008

This How to install a VPN Server on Windows Server 2008 R2 for a small environment or a stand-alone hosted Server.

1) Install the Role “Network Policy and Access Services” with the Server Manager

Select the Role Services “Routing and Remote Access Services”

Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access in the Server Manager.

Choose “Custom Configuration” if you just have one Network Interface in the Server

Choose VPN access

Finish and click next

Allow access for users “Network Access Permission”. You can set that in de Dial-In Tab under the User Premission.

Open Ports in your Firewall
For PPTP: 1723 TCP 47 GRE
For L2TP over IPSEC: 1701 TCP 500 UDP
For  SSTP: 443 TCP

Optional: If you don’t have a DHCP Server in your local network you have to add a static address pool. This could be if you have a stand-alone Server by your provider.

Right click on “Routing and Remote Access” and open Properties

Click on the IPv4 Tab and check “Static address pool”

Add a static address pool of private IP addresses

Add secondary IP Address to the Server network interface which is in the same subnet as this pool.



  1. I tried this one and have only negative experience of using. Lots of dropouts, lags etc.

    1. This blog is for advanced users knowing the basics.


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